Contingent search agreement template

Contingent search agreement template page 2

by XYZ’s published profes sional standar ds for contracte d recruitment a gencies as deta iled in Atta chment A.

2. CANDIDATE QUALIFICATI ON: Agency will recruit, screen and quali fy candidates according to positio n

specifications provided by XYZ and will provide XYZ w ith written documentation of candida tes’ cre denti als

and qualifications, e.g., curriculum vitae, education, r eference - call reports and Agency interview results.

Agency will make r efere nce c hecks neces sary to de termi ne can didat es’ quali fica tion for t he po siti on. XYZ will

have final and exclusi ve responsibility for determining the professional and personal suitability of any

3. CANDIDATE SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Agency will verba lly refer candida tes’ names, qualif icati ons,

and current compensation to XYZ Ph ysician Recruitment. XYZ Physician Recruitment will verify wh ether

candidate has contacted or been contacted by XYZ o r been submitted for con sideration by another agency in

the precedin g twelve (1 2) month p eriod. If the can didate has no t contacted o r been conta cted by XY Z or been

submitted t o XYZ for consideration by another agency in the preceding twelve (12) month period and meets

the position qualific ation specifica tions, XYZ Ph ysician Recru itment will autho rize the candidate’ s

submission. Unsolicited resumes w ill not be ac cepted from Age ncy. All unsolicited resumes will be

4. CANDIDATE REFERRALS: All ref erral s made to XYZ will be in confi dence and XYZ agrees not to refer or

identify A gency ca ndidates to or for a ny other b usiness u nit, organiz ation, or co mpany for twelv e (12) months

after the date XYZ accepted the Agency referral. If XYZ breaches this p rovision of the agreement and another

business unit, organization, or company employs a candidate referred by XY Z, XYZ and the hiring com pany

will be r espons ible for the paymen t of the search fee which would be due under this agreement.

5. GUARANTEE: If the service rela tion ship betwe en XYZ and a candi date acqui red under this agreeme nt

terminates o r is terminated f or any reaso n within the f irst six (6) mon ths of affiliation , Agency will replace the

candidate within ninety (90) days of notification at no additional fee or refund the fee paid by X YZ. XY Z

6. INTERVIE W EX PENSE S: Trav el arrangem ents for ca ndidates interv iewing with XYZ shall be scheduled by

the XYZ Physician Recruit ment Department. Origina l receipt s for incident al travel expenses relat ed to the

interview process incurred b y the candidate shall be submitted directly b y the candidate to the XYZ Physician