Nos reuniremos este fin de semana para hacer la presentación. We will meet this weekend to prepare the presentation.
3. (to create) Hoy les enseñaré a hacer su propio sitio web. Today I'll show you how to make your own website. 4. (to carry out) Estoy ocupado haciendo los preparativos para la fiesta. I'm busy making preparations for the party. 5. (used in place of another verb)Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho. He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it.
6. (to acquire) Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio. He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) La hizo llorar. He made her cry. 8. (to imagine) Hacía la casa sola. I thought there was nobody at home. 9. (to transform) El dolor hizo mi vida miserable. The pain made my life a misery. 10. (to obey) Haz lo que te digo. Do as I say. 11. (to cause to look) Ese peinado te hace más vieja. That hairstyle makes you look older. 12. (to behave) ¡No hagas el mono en el colegio! Don't act the fool at school! 13. (to gross) Se dice que el doctor hace hasta seis cifras. They say the doctor makes at least six figures.Mi hermanito hizo una fortuna vendiendo limonada. My little brother earned a fortune selling lemonade.
14. (to take time) Les hizo dos semanas manejar a California. It took them two weeks to drive to California. 15. (to cover distance) Hicimos 150 millas en el último viaje. We did 150 miles on the last vacation. Podemos hacer más distancia si salimos de noche. We can cover more distance if we leave at night. An impersonal verb is a verb with no apparent subject (e.g., Llueve en España.). Hace mucho tiempo que no te veo. It has been a long time since I've seen you. 17. (weather) En invierno hace frío. It's cold in winter.A reflexive verb is a verb that indicates that the subject performs an action on itself (e.g., Miguel se lava.).
18. (to create for oneself)to make oneself" />
Se hizo un vestido de seda. She made herself a silk dress. 19. (to cook for oneself)Creo que voy a hacerme un puré de zanahorias esta noche. I think I'm going to make myself some carrot soup tonight.
A pronominal verb always uses a reflexive pronoun. (e.g., Te ves cansado.). 20. (to feign) No te hagas el santo; tú también te equivocas. Don't pretend to be a saint; you make mistakes, too. No te hagas el tonto conmigo. Don't act the fool with me. 21. (to turn into) Su sueño era hacerse dentista. His dream was to become a dentist. 22. (to get done; used with an infinitive) This refers to an idiomatic word or phrase for which there is no word-for-word translation. no direct translation Ya va siendo hora de que se haga cortar el pelo. It's about time he had his hair cut.Vamos a hacernos pintar la casa después del verano. We're going to have the house painted after the summer.